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4 important secrets for success in speaking and writing


If you want to participate in the IELTS exam and succeed, you may take a repeated path but not get results. Sometimes candidates think that success in speaking and writing only requires improving general language and using several strategies. These are true, but there are other things that you should follow. This article explains four important secrets to succeed in the speaking and writing test. So stay with us.


The first and most important thing you need to do to succeed in speaking and writing is promptitude. If your promptness is low, you will not be able to perform well in these sections. Writing and speaking are sections where you need good promptitude to succeed and have a professional result. Of course, this does not mean you pay attention to speed and forget accuracy. Instead, these two together give a good result, and if you don’t have one of them, your work is useless. The best thing to do to increase promptitude is just practice. If you need two hours for writing, try gradually increasing this time to 40 minutes by practicing. 

General knowledge 

Many language learners don’t pay much attention to having general knowledge. They think they can easily outrun and succeed only with high language knowledge and strategy. No, this is wrong. Sometimes language learners have the low general knowledge to the extent that if they are asked writing and speaking questions in their native language, they cannot answer. It is important to have general information in listening and reading skills. Strong general knowledge is necessary for writing and speaking skills, and your work will be ineffective if you do not have enough information about the question. 

For example, you may be asked about astronauts. In addition to having high language skills in this section, you must have information about astronautics to give a complete and correct answer.

Energy management

If you cannot manage your energy correctly, you will not be able to perform well in the exam session. When preparing for the exam, you should sleep well, eat good food, exercise, and get enough oxygen to attend the exam session in the best mood. If you have studied enough and prepared yourself for the exam but do not have a recovery period, you will not be able to perform well in the exam session. Therefore, energy management is one of the essential features that you must observe to succeed in speaking and writing. 

Body language

If you have noticed, our thoughts and feelings shape our bodies. For example, if you have negative thoughts, your face will suddenly look sad, and your shoulders will bend down. In this situation, you will tell the examiner that you do not have confidence and cannot give good answers to the questions. So practice sitting straight, having positive thoughts, and showing up to the meeting with high energy and confidence to leave a positive impression on the examiner.


As you read, in addition to language information, other factors make candidates successful or not. You may participate in many language courses and have good language knowledge, but you may not get good results due to paying attention to the margins and not following the above. Therefore, language knowledge and knowing strategies are essential but do not neglect these 4 important secrets.

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