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How To Boost My Grammar for the IELTS Exam? 8 Methods

close up student reading a book

Your ability to discern what will and won’t work for you will determine how much better your grammar becomes. However, we have provided some excellent advice to improve your grammar for the IELTS test quickly.

1. English videos to listen to

The best way to enhance your English grammar is through listening to videos of native English speakers. Your subconscious mind learns the proper sentence form as a result.

Your vocabulary and listening comprehension will both increase by watching English-language videos.

2. Everyday Reading and Writing

You must read frequently in order to prepare for the IELTS. To succeed in the reading portion, you must be doing it. Your speaking, writing, and reading abilities will all be enhanced by it. You acquire a significant amount of English grammatical knowledge when you read various genres of books, newspapers, and periodicals.

3. Make it a practice to write at least one page every day

It may be about a book you read, a trip you took, or anything else. This will help you use language and vocabulary more effectively.

4. View Grammar Rules Videos

It is an easy technique to get better at grammar. A video is a terrific way to learn grammar rules fast since it explains everything in the most transparent possible terms. Grammar rules can be complicated.

If you’re currently doing it, you’re progressing well toward your ideal band.

5. Verify Your Work and Highlight Your Errors in IELTS grammar

It is useless to practice while ignoring your errors. This is worse than not practicing since you will ultimately squander time. Therefore, verify your work twice when you practice questions, although this may take some time.

close up student’s hands holding the headphone

6. Purchase a Personal Mentor

If you kept a personal mentor, it would be much simpler and quicker to learn from your mistakes. Ask them to advise you on the subject you should focus on. Your parents, siblings, or a friend who passed the IELT exam with a strong band score can serve as your mentors.

7. Finish Raymond Murphy’s book English Grammar in Use

This book provides all the grammatical rules native English speakers utilize daily. This book’s picture and straightforward explanation are its most outstanding features. This book will help you grasp things from the start, even if you don’t have a teacher to teach you grammar rules.

8. Start a journal

You’re precisely on the money—you have to record everything you learn in the diary. It should be a discussion between “you” and “you,” in which you discuss what you’ve learned, your missteps, and potential improvements.

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