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Steps to improve speaking skill at home

Speaking skill

Hello. In this article, we want to discuss how to practice at home to improve speaking. Speaking skill is difficult for many candidates, and they cannot pass this stage easily. As you know, when talking with the examiner, you must be very capable and speak with confidence and high knowledge of the language. In this way, you can tell the examiner that you are very professional in Speaking skill and get a total score. But how can you improve this skill at home without needing courses? Stay with us and write down the steps below to get closer to success in the IELTS exam.

1. Have different topics

To speak, first, you need to know the topic of the conversation. Where can we get topics for speaking practice? The subject of speaking is often made up of external factors. For example, you either want to practice speaking in class so that you can talk easily in the IELTS test, or you want to practice at home. If you are going to practice at home, it is better first to prepare a list of frequently repeated and relevant topics in the IELTS exams of the previous courses. This will help you get familiar with the IELTS test and not spend time finding the subject.

Of course, it is better to work first on subjects in which you do not have many ideas and do not know the related words. For example, you may find shopping more difficult or easier than food. So try to go to the topics you are unfamiliar with in your list first.

2. Learn different phrases

After specifying the various topics, you should go to the next step. At this stage, in addition to learning vocabulary, try to spend time learning phrases and expressions. For example, words used together, called collocations, can help you a lot. The best way to learn these words is to read them in a sentence to know their exact meaning and location. So reading phrases makes it easy to learn new words and know where to use what sentence.

3. Take notes

After reading these sentences and words, it is time to use them in conversation. Many candidates write and speak all the new words and sentences for practice at this stage. This is wrong. After reading a phrase, note down its keywords. Then think about them, create a brainstorm and try to make new sentences about the topic identified with those words. In this way, you can speak in different situations. 


If, for any reason, you are not eligible to participate in conversation courses, don’t be upset at all. Because you can improve your speaking at home with the help of these steps. But try to follow these steps and star

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